Artistictic and Educational Experience Configuring Subjectivation Processes
Didactic Strategies, Foucault, Artistic Practices, Subjectivation ProcessesAbstract
This work problematizes some artistic and educational experiences, as configuring processes of subjectivation of students and professors in the university. The research carried out with a biographical-narrative and critical design, recourse to the narrative, to the reflective hermeneutics of Paul Ricœur and assumes the criticism from the Foucault’s perspective, as paths or ways of seeing, which in a healthy criterion can contribute to understand and transform classroom practices. Participants were selected through intentional or discretionary probability sampling (snowball). Through a comprehensive analysis of the stories or their extracts, we come to the conclusion of the importance of implementing teaching strategies in the classroom, centered on the freedom and interest of the student, oriented through expansive dialogues.
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